Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants in Pleasant Ridge, MI, at Pleasant Ridge Family Dentistry are often recommended by our dentist for children. This treatment seals the surface of the tooth to prevent tooth decay or food debris from causing cavities. Give our office a call today at (248) 545-5777 to learn more and schedule an appointment with our team.

A sealant is a preventive dental treatment that our dentist may recommend to protect patients’ teeth from decay. A dental sealant is made of a clear or tooth-colored resin material, which is painted onto the chewing surface of teeth. By blocking out the bacteria and food debris that lead to tooth decay, the sealant prevents decay and cavities. The dental sealant forms a smooth coating over the natural pits and grooves of the tooth surface, which also makes it easier to effectively clean teeth with normal brushing.

Dental sealants are most often recommended for children. They are frequently recommended for the permanent molars as soon as they come in, usually between the ages of 6 and 12 years. We may also recommend dental sealants for adult patients whose teeth are prone to decay or have not been restored or suffered from decay in the past. We can apply dental sealants in just one short, comfortable visit to our practice.

Sealants can be a powerful tool in preventing decay and keeping your smile healthy. To learn more about dental sealants and how our team can keep your smile in good health, we welcome you to call or visit our office today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental implants safe?

Yes, dental implants are absolutely safe. They’re made from biocompatible materials to integrate naturally with your body and promote your health. The implant procedure is highly successful and complications are rare.

When you lose a tooth, your jawbone eventually weakens and leads to a myriad of issues. These include a weakened bite, increased risk for oral diseases, and decreased self-confidence, as you may begin to look older.

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement solution that can restore jawbone strength and help you look youthful.

Does full mouth debridement hurt?

A full mouth debridement generally is an easy treatment that doesn’t cause too much pain. We also offer sedation dentistry to help patients feel more relaxed and at ease for the procedure.

Oral cleaning is a procedure that generally doesn’t hurt. There isn’t any real pain when food debris and plaque are removed and teeth are brushed thoroughly.

Can drinking milk strengthen your teeth?

Yes, drinking milk can strengthen your teeth. Calcium and phosphorous help with the proper development of both bones and teeth, and can also aid in the remineralization of your enamel.

You should also take good care of your teeth to keep your teeth strong and healthy. If you’re unsure where to start, ask our team at your appointment and we can help you develop an at-home oral hygiene routine that works for you.

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